Monday, April 30, 2012

Viva La Experiencia

You know that feeling when you’re in a store that’s about to close? They’re calling over the speaker that there’s 30 minutes left until the store closes... so you should probably “make your final selections” and head on up to the cash register, but you feel like you’ve got so much left to grab in that store. Before you’ve even finished perusing that one isle that you were on when you heard the 30-minute warning, you hear the 15-minute call... then the 5... then they start turning the lights off. You kinda feel like you’re running around just trying to grab everything you need, but you can’t seem to hold onto the time you have left.

That’s how I feel right now

I have had an incredible semester. My time in Sevilla has far, far exceeded any expectations that I had for Spring 2012. Traveling, sinking into Spanish culture and making memories along the way... I’ve been living through 5 solid months saturated in blessings. SATURATED. I’ve been learning heaps, meeting many godsends, and been seeing so much purpose for this semester in Spain.

I just... don’t want to let it go! That’s my selfish nature talking. I know I’ve got to let go of this trapeze that I’m hanging onto... I see the next one in front of me - swinging sweetly synchronized - waiting for me to let go of the old one, trust in the time between grips & take hold of what’s in front of me. Still, where’s the balance between savoring this grip and looking forward to the next? It’s not easy. I’m in between. The store is closing, but I’m still shopping.

CHEERS to an incredible semester. Cheers to the days I have left here, and cheers to the past days that have made up this chapter of life. Cheers to the people, places, belly laughs, jaw drops and memories. Cheers to the upcoming summer at camp, and cheers to the next time I’ll be on this side of the world. CHEERS.

Es necesario alternar la reflexión y la acción, que se completan y se corrigen la una con la otra.
-Antoni Gaudí

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